About Relevancy Analytics

A successful data management strategy starts by identifying the use cases and the business units that would benefit the most from the implementation of data solutions.

We at Relevancy would be happy to help formalize your company’s approach to data and build a framework for understanding all the value your data provides and how best your company can leverage it.

Charlie Ballard

Co-Founder & CEO

Charlie has been working in research and analytics since his first role with Forrester Research in 2000. Since then he has lead measurement, analytics and research teams with Digitas, One to One Interactive, and BT (British Telecom).

Most recently Charlie led the global Strategic Insights team at Tripadvisor, developing new data & analytics products and applying all of Tripadvisor’s rich traveller data to help grow the company’s largest client relationships.Charlie has a MBA from ESADE Business School in Barcelona and BA’s in Economics and Psychology from Georgetown University in Washington, DC.

Nikolay Nenov

Co-Founder & CIO

With over eight years of experience in consulting, market research and ecommerce, Nikolay has helped dozens of organisations build digital analytics infrastructures, extract value from their data, automate processes and enhance people's work with AI.Some of the companies Nikolay has worked at include Accenture Digital, Kantar Worldpanel and Vistaprint.Nikolay possesses a Masters of Science in Economics and Marketing from Aarhus University in Denmark, and a BA in Business Administration from the American University in Bulgaria.

Contact Us

Get in touch on charlie@relevancyanalytics.com. We'll respond within 48 hours.